Layouts - Page 6

Advice for crafting layouts and structure that can create a clear, original web design. Break the mould, and build a unique layout!

9 Tips for Better Typographic Hierarchy

Layouts / 30 Dec 2015

9 Tips for Better Typographic Hierarchy

Every project requires a system and hierarchy for text elements. Just think about all the small pieces of text that are used throughout a design – headlines, body copy, navigation elements, legal information, captions and so on.

But how do you create that hierarchy so that every text element flows smoothly to the next? Today, we’ll take you step-by-step through building a system of typography hierarchy that can be used for almost any design project. (And we are pairing the tips with beautiful examples of great typography to help you gather a bit of inspiration.)

Design Trend: How to Create a Cool Split Screen Aesthetic

Layouts / 22 Dec 2015

Design Trend: How to Create a Cool Split Screen Aesthetic

One screen divided in two. This might be one of the bigger design trends emerging right now. More and more websites are using design patterns that include two vertical or square panels placed side by side.

And it’s a nice aesthetic. The look is user friendly, can be adapted for a variety of needs, and helps guide navigation. It’s a trend that we are likely to see more of – and design – in the coming months. Today we are looking at a few great examples of split screen design with mini case studies and finding out how you can make the most of this design trend.

Grid-First Design: How to Create Vertical Rhythm and Harmony

Layouts / 8 Dec 2015

Grid-First Design: How to Create Vertical Rhythm and Harmony

When you hear grid, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For most designers, it is often a horizontal based concept with columns across the canvas. This is especially true when thinking about web and digital design projects.

But what about vertical grids? It is just as important to create flow up and down the page as well. And there are a number of ways to do this with grid systems.

30 Beautifully Designed Shopify Themes

Inspiration / 15 Sep 2015

30 Beautifully Designed Shopify Themes

Shopify is one of the top e-commerce platforms available for online sellers of any size of type of business. The network provides a single-selling platform to help users build a site, manage sales and connect with customers on social media and through other business growth channels.

A good theme can help you get started with Shopify and get selling that much quicker without having to worry about having to do a lot of web development or design. As with other software-based themes, they can range from simple starter packages to complex design tools with robust features. Here, we are breaking down 30 Shopify themes – including free and premium versions – that are beautifully designed and will help you make the most out of your online shop.

Modular Design: The Complete Primer for Beginners

Layouts / 27 Jul 2015

Modular Design: The Complete Primer for Beginners

There are a lot of block and card style designs out there right now. For designers, they are both trendy and functional. The look is streamlined and simple and in terms of website design, works great in responsive frameworks.

The root of this design trend is modular design. And regardless of what you think, it’s not new. Modular design is rooted deep in design theory and has been used by a number of designers for a long time. Today we’re delving into the background, and practical applications, of modular design!

7 Website Design Mistakes That Drive Me Nuts

Layouts / 7 Jul 2015

7 Website Design Mistakes That Drive Me Nuts

Sometimes websites make me grouchy. I click with anticipation and then… design disaster. Admit it, you have grumbled at the screen more than a few times, too.

From poor type to missing links to usability issues, I am going to share the mistakes that just drive me absolutely bonkers. Take heed! These are things to address and fix on your own site, before someone else comes across them!

15 Tips to Make Your Designs Feel More Human

Layouts / 29 Jun 2015

15 Tips to Make Your Designs Feel More Human

What makes something on a screen or canvas feel real? The answer is simple. It’s human connection. People want to interact with and use designed elements that work in the physical world in a way that mimics reality.

It’s the case study for human-centered design and why it matters so much in every project every design takes on. This human connection is more than physical, it also creates an emotional bond between the user and the design. That’s where you begin to create things like loyalty to a brand and a connection to users that goes beyond the screen. Here are a few ways you can use design techniques and tools to help you get there.

Minimalist Design Is Taking Over: Here’s Why

Minimalist Graphic Design / 15 Jun 2015

Minimalist Design Is Taking Over: Here’s Why

Everywhere you turn, another designer is releasing a project featuring a minimalist design style. This focus on space, simplicity and beautiful typography is refreshing. And it’s a great option for a number of design projects. That might be one of the reasons minimalist design is so popular.

But the trend is not brand new. Minimalism has been around almost as long as design itself. It’s a technique that ebbs and flows, but always remains as one of the classic styles, making it a design choice that almost always works.

Interaction Design: What Is It, and How Can You Use It?

Graphics / 8 Jun 2015

Interaction Design: What Is It, and How Can You Use It?

Interaction design might be the most talked about design concept of 2015. It’s something you should be thinking about and planning for in all of your digital projects.

But how can you make the most of interaction design? How can you design something people want to interact with? While some of those answers are changing with technology, one element remains the same – people want to use design that is intuitive, functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Asymmetrical Design: Creating Beautiful, Balanced Layouts

Layouts / 3 Jun 2015

Asymmetrical Design: Creating Beautiful, Balanced Layouts

How do you feel about asymmetrical design? That simple question can sometimes spark a lot of debate among designers. Asymmetrical design can be one of the more complicated techniques to pull off, but when done well results in beautiful and eye-catching designs.

While the definition of asymmetry is the lack of symmetry or equality between two halves; it is not a lack of balance as some wrongly assume. Designers can use asymmetry to create balance and harmony even though two sides of the design do not mirror one another. Here’s how to get started.

Visual Composer: A Drag-and-Drop WordPress Page Builder

Layouts / 28 May 2015

Visual Composer: A Drag-and-Drop WordPress Page Builder

WordPress powers a large percentage of the web, and it’s a famously easy-to-use content management system. But creating immersive, in-depth pages and layouts can be a tricky process.

Visual Composer is a plugin that lets you take full control over your WordPress site, and build any layout you can imagine. It’s all based around adrag and drop page builder interface, doesn’t require any programming knowledge, and is really simple to get started using. Today we’re going to be taking a look at how it works, and sharing a few examples of how it’s powering some lovely WordPress designs!

The (Sometimes Hidden) Meaning of Shapes

Layouts / 12 May 2015

The (Sometimes Hidden) Meaning of Shapes

The shapes of objects in your design may be sending a message to users that you aren’t even aware of. Whether you put an image inside a square or circle or triangle can have an impact on what people think about that image.

Sometimes a shape is more than just a group of connected lines. The use of shapes can be obvious or subtle and appear within images or as elements in a design. Here, we will look at common shapes used in design projects and the signals they may convey.