Resonant Link
This website is designed for a company named Resonant Link which specializes in charging technologies for a wide range of industries.
The overall design of this website is crafted to showcase the products, technology, and services provided by the company. Lots of videos and animations are used throughout the site to achieve that goal.
![Go To resonant-link](
Why We Like This Design
The overall aesthetic feel of this website is what grabbed our attention. The typography design in particular seems very clean and modern. It immediately stands out from the simple color palette used in the website.
About Resonant Link
- Published: February 14, 2023
- Category: Web Design
- Colors: Color Code #eeeeeeColor Code #ccccccColor Code #aaaaaaColor Code #666666Color Code #888888Color Code #444444Color Code #66aa88Color Code #222222Color Code #eeccccColor Code #88aaaa